
Every member gets a listing page with a detailed description, image gallery, activity & amenity information, a high-quality hero photo and direct links to your reservation system and website. We’re confident that your NEIRA membership will pay for itself in increased exposure, customer awareness, and increased bookings. That confidence is backed by 24/7 access to the web statistic dashboard provided to each member, complete with detailed statistics for your listing on We strive to be in your top 10 referring sites.

How to Update Your Member Listing

Step One

Login with your Username and Password at

Step Two

Use the tabs on the side menu to update content, photos, offers or add a video (Hero image, gallery images and video are under the Media tab.)

Step Three

*IMPORTANT – Once you have made your changes, scroll to the bottom and hit SAVE

Login to Now

Accessing Your Member Report

Step One

Log in at using your member admin credentials.

Step Two

Go to the bottom navigation and choose Member Reports. OR visit  to access the Member Reports Dashboard.

Step Three

From the property dropdown click your property name. Select your custom date range (may take a moment to compile the report)

Your personalized stat report will appear based upon your date range, as well as overall site metrics for the same date range. 

Instructions for Adding an Offer/Package


Website Success Tips


Need Login help?

Contact: Nedra Harvey, Membership Director at or call 603-964-6689.