NEIRA Gift Cards, 100% redeemable to NEIRA member Properties

New England Inns & Resorts Gift Cards

NEIRA Gift cards are redeemable only at member properties (no commissions, no fees). Nearly $2

 million in New England Inns & Resorts gift cards in the hands of future guests. Our gift card marketing campaigns include paid search, display advertising, retargeting ads, blog and social media campaigns. 

How to redeem a NEIRA Gift Card 

To redeem a NEIRA gift card, you must be a current member of New England Inns & Resorts. Promotional Gift Cards expire one year after date of issue. Regular Gift Cards do not expire. Be sure to check the value of the card and the expiration date for all promotional gift cards. 

Instructional Flyer for your front desk     PRINT

Need to check the balance on a card?   CHECK BALANCE

Step One:

Login at

with your Gift Card Redemption login (not the same as your member administrator login).  

Need Login help? Contact NEIRA office at  603-964-6689  or email   during business hours.  For 24/7 support call  508-452-7600

Step Two:

Click SALE.

Enter the 16 digit card number on the back of the card and the amount to redeem.  Click PROCESS.  If funds remain on the card, return it to the guest.

Step Three:

That's it!

NEIRA Staff receives a report daily with all member redemptions.  We will issue and mail you a check for the full amount (no commissions) within 1-2 business days.   

How to Redeem NEIRA Paper Gift Certificates

  1. The guest must surrender the printed gift certificates upon check in at your property.
  2. Mail the originals with your property name to:

New England Inns & Resorts Association

NEIRA will reimburse your property via check for the full amount, usually on the same business day.

Received an E-gift card?

Process an e-gift card just as you do a regular gift card.  Call the NEIRA office with any questions.